Opening in 2016, I started this restaurant after leaving my corporate life of 17 years to pursue my own personal goals. The heart of this restaurant lies a pride in providing exceptional quality Vietnamese food. We don't provide a giant menu, but what items are on the menu, are exquisite. We strive to set a wonderful example for what Vietnamese food should taste like, yet still keeping everything healthy, clean, and a level of of cuisine on par with other restaurants in the US. Being a son to immigrant parents, I kept the traditions and cultures of Vietnam, while embracing ideals of America, which makes my restaurant the best of both worlds.
- K Nguyen
Located at
939 W. Stacy Rd Suite 110
Allen, TX 75013
Our executive chef is Chef T Bui. Able to run every facet of this kitchen, Chef Bui, epidomizes the meaning of being Head chef. She has no match on the wok, and her flavor profiling is next to none. Our pho chef is Chef H Nguyen who has been with us since the inception of the company. Consistent and a workhorse of a chef, Chef Nguyen is never sick and has never missed a day of work in his career.
Joining the team is also Chef QP Nguy, Chef D Nguyen and Chef C Tran. Chef Nguy handles our Stir Fry, and Chef D Nguyen and Chef C Tran contribute greatly to the team.